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Public Speaking. Make a Difference.

Integral Public Speaking Approach (IPSA)
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Speaking in Public

Communicate Successfully


What's in the way

  • Speaking anxiety & insecurity
  • Missing sparkle & boredom
  • Leaving the audience behind
  • Unclear and overdetailed message
  • Poor design of the argument
  • Missing purpose 

What to do

  • Learn how to convince with your content 
  • Learn how to persuade with your presence
  • Learn how to connect to your listeners
  • Increase confidence and enjoy

What are your benefits

  • Better Confidence and personal growth
  • Advantages in professional and social life
  • Smart ideas get more visibility
  • Being impactful
  • Making a difference

Integral Public Speaking Approach (IPSA)

Creating high level content with all kinds of rhetorical tricks or simply having a strong charisma is not enough to utilize your full potential of speaking in public. The Integral Public Speaking Approach (IPSA) works with four essential qualities towards successful public speaking. With the IPSA you will efficiently and effectively learn how to convince with your content, how to persuade with your presence, how to know yourself and become confident and, finally how to connect with your audience.


Four essential qualities of IPSA

                                                       IPSA_Connect with your audience  IPSA_Become-confident  IPSA_Persuade-with-your-presence  IPSA_Convince-with-your-Content_Mirjam-Hirsch


For a truly successful speaking experience all four qualities are essential. The IPSA is a systematic guide in your learning process. Introverts can become successful speakers, people with anxieties can become astonishing speakers. Good speakers can become mind-blowing speakers. Have a look and start to bring your speaking skills onto another level.


Prepare with Care

First Step

Evaluate your Context

Before we jump into the four essential qualities of the Integral Public Speaking Approach, it is of highest importance to evaluate the context. What is the occasion and the format? What are giving factors about time and location? Who is the audience and of course and most importantly: What is your purpose?

Elaborate your purpose

Great and successful speakers are highly aware of the purpose of their talk. To evoke the intended reaction of their listeners, the structure, the examples and language are chosen accordingly. What do you want to reach? Do you want to inform? Do you want to provoke or unite? Do you want to challenge, question or transform their beliefs? Learn how to elaborate goals and purposes carefully and you will immediately feel the impact on yourself and your performance. 

Practice, Practice, Practice

The best way to learn speaking confidently and convincingly infront of others is to practice. Learn how to practice in a smart and efficient way. The rule is very simple: The more you practice, the easier it is. Start und enjoy your journey.


Convince with your content

Elaborate first IPSA quality

Organize your argument

The smartest ideas, the most inspiring research results, the best provoking thoughts or the newest insights often get lost in space. They get lost in space due to an overdetailed, unclear or confusing argumentation. This is a shame! Learn how to structure the information you want to give intelligently and connect the dots smartly. Insights in structuring and rhetorics will enable you to give your content the attention it deserves.

Present your content convincingly

Once you have prepared what you want to say, its important to focus on how to say it. Learn how to make facts and data exciting. Learn how to choose perfect images and examples for your purpose and really make a point that people will remember. Find your style.

The Secret Super Power: Telling stories

People have connected through stories throughout all times and cultures. Passing on ideas and knowledge through tales can be seen as a secret super power. This is how we remember things. Good stories do not depend on their topic. If you know how, you can make anything exciting. Study the building blocks of a good story. What are common traps that need to be avoided under all circumstances? Learn how to spice up your presentation with a persuading story and build up your personal super power.


Become Confident

Communication without hesitation

Speaking anxiety

Sleepless nights, short breath, sweat, panic or nervousness are in your way of speaking with confidence? Don´t worry. You are not alone. Speaking publicly is one of the most common fears among adults in the western world – secretly hidden by most. There are very effective ways of working on them. In this coaching your fears will be taken seriously. You will learn positive coping strategies and methods that will allow you not only to survive but to even enjoy your moment.

Look inside

Becoming aware of your own triggers, strengths, coping strategies, character traits, values and needs, allows you to be best prepared for any kind of audience – benevolent or critical. Learn how to consciously interact with your listeners instead of reflexively reacting. You will notice how you will relax and grow.


Being confident on the inside is strongly noticeable on the outside. Inner growth is literally visible. You will be able to focus on your audience confidently and speak convincingly and with ease. Experiencing how inner strength can influence your performance to the best is a great speaking experience and leads to truly lasting change.


Persuade with your presence

Embody the Spark

Competence & Confidence

A strong presence has two effects: First, your audience will perceive you as knowledgable and competent. Second, it gives you confidence and inner strength.

Own the Space

Owning the space is a critical part of  building up your sovereignty. It will make you grow and creates competence and confidence within you. Whether a small office, a medium size meeting room, a big conference space or a webinar: there is a technique for each format. Learn how to make it yours.

Make a point with your voice

Voices take people on journeys they will remember. Using your voice with consciousness is a great way to create different reactions within your audience. Using your voice as an instrument is a powerful tool. It offers you ways to explore new dimensions of compelling communication. Learn how and you will be surprised by your own vigor.

Let your body talk

Bodies talk. Bodies communicate. Bodies connect.

Learn methods how to consciously yet authentically use your body for a memorable speaking experience. Learn how to emphasize your content on a non-verbal level. Practice how your body can invoke different reactions in your audience. Learn how to read the bodies of your listeners, to react to mood-swings in the room and to take your audience on a ride.

IPSA_Connect with your audience

Connect with your audience

Take your listeners on a ride

Audience makes public speaking public

There is no good speech without connecting to your audience. In any given context it is crucial to understand the motivation of the people you are talking to. What is really moving them behind the obvious? How do they relate to your topic? What are their references? Learn how to connect to your audience through your content, your presence and your self-awareness. You will feel the difference.

Win your listeners

In a speaking-listening situation you don´t have to win your audience just in the beginning but keep them constantly with you. If you loose them once its very hard to win them back. Learn, how to capture your audience, how to create a relation, how to keep the interest high and your words and ideas will be much more impactful.

The Danger of missing out on a Core Quality

After exploring the four core qualities of the Integral Public Speaking Approach (presence, confidence, content and connection to the audience) it is a valid question to ask what happens if one (or even two) qualities are not developed very much yet? Let us have a look:

1. The Dazzler-effect:

If you have an extremely high confidence, outstanding skills to connect to your audience and a unique presence but you are low on the content side, we could speak of the “dazzler-effect”. Personalities like Donald Trump come into mind. To actually convince with your content, learn ways how to prepare and structure your content in a powerful way. Furthermore, learn how to master shaping your content adequately to the context, to your personality type and to your audience.

2. The Bored-to-death-effect:

If you have a high quality content, you are confident during the preparation process and relate well to your audience in your examples and style but you do not have much of a presence, it has a tremendous effect: The “Bored-to-death-effect”. You simply throw away your most valuable treasure – your content. To truly intrigue your listeners, it is crucial to learn how to emphasise your content non-verbally and how to persuade with your presence.

3. The Sleepless-nights-effect:

If you have a high quality content, you relate very well to your audience and your presence is strong, you are often perceived as a successful speaker. But anxiety, nervousness and discomfort are negative emotions that take energy away from you and don´t put you in a place of real strength. This could be called the “Sleepless-nights-effect”. To cope with that proactively and being able to enjoy to speak in public, it is very important to look inside and learn how to trust in your skills. The inner sparkle will catch your audience and allow you to enjoy your nights.

4. The Excuse-me-?!?-effect:

If you are super confident, have high quality content and even a strong and memorable presence but you are low on connecting with your audience, it could be called the “Excuse-me-?!?-effect”. Speakers who do not connect with their listeners are often perceived as presumptuous, arrogant or from a different planet. The impact of the presentation will be low or even of negative effect. Learn how to connect with your audience on a content-level as well as on a presence-level to really communicate impactfully and be remembered in a positive manner.

5. Enjoy holistic Public Speaking Coaching with the IPSA

Book a personal or team coaching on Public Speaking now and make sure your ideas will have the impact they deserve. 

FAQ about IPSA

What's special about your Public Speaking Approach?

The IPSA is a holistic and interactive approach. Unlike others its not purely focussing on rhetorics or presence. According to IPSA content, presence, confidence and connection to the audience as four core qualities are fundamental to a successful public speaking experience. IPSA is a tool of analysis as well as a frame on how to approach each client and situation according to their needs. This holistic approach is unique in the field of public speaking. Find out for yourself.

What is the difference between confidence and presence?

Confidence is happening inside us. Raising self-awareness and confidence is strongly connected to presence because it can be seen on the outside. We work from the inside out. Presence, on the other hand, is about how we act, about what we can observe from the outside. Experiencing change in non-verbal communication is also strongly noticeable on the inside and therefore connected to our confidence. Here we work from the outside in.

How long does it take to learn to speak in public?

The first results of a systematic approach can usually be experienced immediately. To learn how to speak in public in a successful way, of course, depends on your personality, your dedication and your time. As everything else in life public speaking skills need practice. You will therefore learn methods how to practice your skills beyond the coaching process and how you can implement it into your daily life.

Is IPSA a coaching technique?

No, the Integral Public Speaking Approach is an approach which works with a variety of methods and techniques. The chosen methods strongly depend on the context of the client. Exercises from a wide range of fields: rhetorics and storytelling, mindfulness, body work, solution oriented short time therapy, NLP, non-violent communication, and much more.

Can you help me dealing with speaking anxiety?

Yes. Speaking anxiety is very common and there are fantastic ways to approach it. Depending on your personality and preferences we will work in a tailor-made format to enable you to deal with your fears and make you grow and possibly even enjoy your future speaking experiences. Just get in touch now.

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